Reset container when used on a container which is in a grouping deletes all the nodes

Hi all, I have a container and I want to reset it but when I’m using a reset-container to reset that
container it is resetting the entire group of container (c1 and c3) since this container is in a group how to solve this issue. Many thanks

grouping group1{
	container c1{

	container c2{
	container c3{

	container c4{



Where in the below example is the issue you are referring to?

Example YANG model:

module reset-container {
  namespace "urn:example";
  prefix ex;
  import tailf-common { prefix tailf; }

  grouping group1 {
    container c1 {
      leaf l1 { type empty; }
    container c2 {	
      leaf l2 { type string; }
      leaf other { type empty; }
    container c3 {
      presence "";
    container c4 {
      leaf l4 { type string; }
  container test {
    uses group1;
$ confd_cli -u admin -C
# config
Entering configuration mode terminal
(config)# test c1 l1
(config)# test c2 l2 hello other
(config)# test c3
(config)# test c4 l4 world 
(config)# show config
test c1 l1
test c2 l2 hello
test c2 other
test c3
test c4 l4 world
(config)# test c2 l2 dummy
(config)# show config
test c1 l1
test c2 l2 dummy
test c3
test c4 l4 world
(config)# test c4 l4 dummy2
config)# show config
test c1 l1
test c2 l2 dummy
test c3
test c4 l4 dummy2
(config)# commit
Commit complete.
(config)# show full-configuration test
test c1 l1
test c2 l2 dummy
test c3
test c4 l4 dummy2