Same enum name in Yang notificaiton definition

Hi, I have a yang model with 2 notification defined in it, but the 2 notification has a same name leaf (enumration type with different enums)

notification dev1-state-changed {
        leaf oper-state {
            type enumeration {
                enum unknown {
                    description "The resource is unable to report its operational state.";
                enum disabled {
                    description "The resource is totally inoperable.";

notification dev2-state-changed {
        leaf oper-state {
            type enumeration {
                enum enabled {
                    description "The resource is partially or fully operable.";
                enum testing {
                    description "The resource is currently being tested and cannot
                        therefore report whether or not it is operational.";

when I tried to compile fxs:

# /opt/confd/bin/confdc --emit-java  dev.fxs
Warning: the following symbols have been suppressed due to a
conflict with an enum or bit with the same mapped name but a different value:
 'testing', 'unknown'.
Use tailf:code-name on the conflicting enums, bits, or nodes
to avoid the conflict.

what is the proper way to handle same name enum with different list values.

The warning message complaining about duplicated testing, unknown is strange, as you do not have them duplicated.

I have copied your data model to file, but cannot reproduce the issue

confdc --fail-on-warnings -c -o datamodel.fxs datamodel.yang

confdc --fail-on-warnings --emit-java datamodel.fxs

pass OK


module datamodel {
  namespace "";
  prefix datamodel;

  import tailf-common {
    prefix tailf;

  notification dev1-state-changed {
    leaf oper-state {
      type enumeration {
        enum unknown {
          description "The resource is unable to report its operational state.";
        enum disabled {
          description "The resource is totally inoperable.";


  notification dev2-state-changed {
    leaf oper-state {
      type enumeration {
        enum enabled {
          description "The resource is partially or fully operable.";
        enum testing {
          description "The resource is currently being tested and cannot
                        therefore report whether or not it is operational.";


What version of ConfD do you use?

Thanks for your reply, and looks I did not paste all yang content.

it happened when the 2nd oper-state has same enum items with 1st notification.

but now I used other ways , and no need to emit java now. thanks