Hi Team,
I have about 20 yang modules loaded. I am trying to do get all via CLI and NETCONF.
With CLI, the show all is working good. But with NETCONF, I could see “Unexpected socket close” error. Its not able to get all data via NETCONF.
29-Mar-2023::23:56:23.580 saber2 confd[2882]: netconf id=269 new ssh session for user “Admin” from
29-Mar-2023::23:56:23.965 saber2 confd[2882]: netconf id=269 got rpc: {urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0}get attrs: message-id=“urn:uuid:14584bcc-c507-4228-ab0c-69de3e9c2747”
29-Mar-2023::23:56:24.149 saber2 confd[2882]: netconf id=269 get attrs: message-id=“urn:uuid:14584bcc-c507-4228-ab0c-69de3e9c2747”
29-Mar-2023::23:56:24.270 saber2 confd[2882]: netconf id=269 sending rpc-reply, attrs: message-id=“urn:uuid:14584bcc-c507-4228-ab0c-69de3e9c2747”
I also tried by increasing the capi timeout values in confd.conf from PT1000S to PT1H.
Still facing the same issue.
Please let us know if I am missing something here.