Show running-config interface is not working

Am having two interface conatiners one is inside /config and another one is /config/system.
If I give show running-config interface it gives only /config interface. It is not giving /config/system interfaces. System is hidden and get_next request is not coming for interfaces under system/ interface

augment /config {
    container system {
        container interface {
           tailf:info "Configure Interface";
    } // system
    container interface {
        description "Interface configuration";
        tailf:info "Configure interfaces";      
    } // interface

augment /config/interface {
    // Ethernet Interface Config Object List
    list vlan {
        tailf:info "Vlan Interfaces";
        tailf:sort-order unsorted;
        key vlan-id;

augment /config/system/interface {
            exa:augment-priority 100;   // Put craft first.
            list loopback {
                key "port";

My “show running-config interface” displays only vlan interface it is not displaying loopback interface.

I want to display both the interfaces. Is any yang changes required to display both?