Special characters in AAA user gives conflicting information

Hi experts,

Our application vDRA is using a rather primitive version of confd 6.3, I cannot be sure if that is EoL.

However, our customer is reporting a very unique problem.

If I were to setup a cli user with special characters in password like XXXX!X{[UV-], it cannot display the committed changes.

paul@orchestrator[drm01v]# show configuration commit changes 0
! Created by: admin
! Date: 2024-05-14 16:13:12
! Client: cli
% No configuration changes found.
paul@orchestrator[drm01v]# exit
Connection to localhost closed.
cps@drm01v:~$ cli
admin@localhost’s password:
Welcome to the CPS CLI
admin connected from using ssh on orchestrator
admin@orchestrator[drm01v]# show configuration commit changes 0
! Created by: admin
! Date: 2024-05-14 16:13:12
! Client: cli
aaa authentication users user paul
uid 9000
gid 100
password $1$DMExUlAA$E7eFu5UgP.nKQNdo8PGkW0
ssh_keydir “”
homedir “”
admin@orchestrator[drm01v]# show confd-state version
confd-state version 6.3

Has anyone experienced this issue in their deployments?

Any leads will be most appreciated.



Hi, can’t reproduce with a modern ConfD version.

Regarding 6.3 EOL:

  • 6.3 - released 22 Nov 2016.
  • End of Maintenance Date - 1 Dec 2018.
  • End of Support Date - 1 Dec 2019.

Thanks for your response.
Are there any general guidelines for using passwords for aaa user in 6.3?
I couldn’t seem to find any.


Not that I can remember going back eight years in the memorydex :slightly_smiling_face:

Please can you share what version of confD did you test this on?
Also, what’s the next release for 6.3?
Is that EoL as well.
I wanted to know what is the next best version that will not have this defect.

Your response will be appreciated.



# show confd-state version
confd-state version 8.0.14
# config
Entering configuration mode terminal
(config)# show configuration commit changes  
% no rollback files found
(config)# aaa authentication users user admin change-password 
Possible completions:
  confirm-password   Confirm New password
  new-password       New password
  old-password       Old password
(config)# aaa authentication users user admin change-password              
Value for 'old-password' (<string>): *****
Value for 'new-password' (<string>): ************ 
Value for 'confirm-password' (<string>): ************ 
System message at 2024-05-16 09:28:02...
Commit performed by system via system using system.
(config)# show configuration commit changes 0
! Created by: system
! Date: 2024-05-16 09:28:02
! Client: system
aaa authentication users user admin
 password   $1$MELDf9/q$dA9F295dt29IbJppFJdeD0

You should check with your ConfD support contacts.

Best regards

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