Tailf:cli-completion-actionpoint callback not getting invoked when pressed "enter" in action command

I’m implementing a tailf:cli-completion-actionpoint callback to customise the possible completion leaf values as action input. The cli-completion-actionpoint callback, implemented in application code, is getting invoked correctly and displaying the possible completion values as expected when given “?” or “”. But the callback is not getting invoked when pressed “enter” () and its displaying all enum values as possible completion.

I registered the same tailf:cli-completion-actionpoint callback for a config command (as shown in the below schema prototype). The callback is getting invoked correctly when given “enter” or “?” or “” for possible completion and displaying the values provided by confd_action_reply_completion() in the application code.

The expected possible completion values in the below example are prime256v1 and secp384r1.

How to display the correct possible values in case of action command when pressed “enter” for possible completion?

    typedef curve-types {
        type enumeration {
            enum secp160k1 { value 4; }
            enum secp384r1 { value 11; }
            enum prime192v1 { value 13; }

    grouping koti-curve {
        leaf curve {
            type curve-types;
            tailf:cli-completion-actionpoint tls-type-completion {
                 tailf:cli-completion-id "tls-curve-name";

    container koti {
        container config {
            uses koti-curve;

        tailf:action koti-action {
            tailf:actionpoint tls-action;

            input {
                uses koti-curve;

Output of cli-completion-actionpoint in action command

appliance-1(config)# koti 
Possible completions:
  config  koti-action
appliance-1(config)# koti koti-action ?
Possible completions:
  curve  <cr>
appliance-1(config)# koti koti-action curve ?
Possible completions:
  prime256v1   X9.62/SECG curve over a 256 bit prime field
  secp384r1    NIST/SECG curve over a 384 bit prime field
appliance-1(config)# koti koti-action curve <cr>
Value for 'curve' [prime192v1,secp160k1,secp384r1]: k
The value must be one of:
  prime192v1  secp160k1  secp384r1
Value for 'curve' [prime192v1,secp160k1,secp384r1]:
Aborted: by user
appliance-1(config)# koti koti-action curve <TAB>
Possible completions:
  prime256v1   X9.62/SECG curve over a 256 bit prime field
  secp384r1    NIST/SECG curve over a 384 bit prime field
appliance-1(config)# koti koti-action curve 

Output of cli-completion-actionpoint in config command

appliance-1(config)# koti ?                 
Possible completions:
  config  koti-action
appliance-1(config)# koti config curve ?
Possible completions:
  prime256v1   X9.62/SECG curve over a 256 bit prime field
  secp384r1    NIST/SECG curve over a 384 bit prime field
appliance-1(config)# koti config curve <TAB>
Possible completions:
  prime256v1   X9.62/SECG curve over a 256 bit prime field
  secp384r1    NIST/SECG curve over a 384 bit prime field
appliance-1(config)# koti config curve <cr>

I am afraid the custom completion works only in the basic command line, not in the value prompt.

The custom completion is working correctly (callback is invoking) for value prompt when the command is a configuration. It’s not working for tailf:action commands.

Is there any other possible options, either in the schema or application code, to provide the custom possible completion values for a leaf in tailf:action commands?

Oh, I understand now. No, I’m afraid this is a glitch in how ConfD handles completion in action input leafs.