There is a subtlety in the initialization sequence that I had not realized before and would like to confirrm.
Suppose we use the aaa_init.xml file and start confd in a phased approach. I.E., the startup command is
confd --foreground -c confd.conf --verbose --start-phase0
I can see that aaa_init.xml is loaded via log messages.
15-Jul-2022::11:54:49.946 ctc-rocky-03 confd[3130527]: devel-cdb init files found in ./confd-cdb: aaa_init.xml
15-Jul-2022::11:54:49.947 ctc-rocky-03 confd[3130527]: - CDB load: processing file: ./confd-cdb/aaa_init.xml
15-Jul-2022::11:54:50.082 ctc-rocky-03 confd[3130527]: - ConfD phase0 started
However, this doesn’t seem to be committed till phase 1. Thus if there is a failure or restart between phase 0 and phase 1, the init data will not be loaded.
tldr; Two consecutive starts in phase0 prevent loading of initial config data?
Is this the expected behavior?