container selectors {
list selector {
key facility;
leaf facility {
type identityref {
base oc-log:SYSLOG_FACILITY;
leaf severity {
type oc-log:syslog-severity;
I’m able to see posible completions when i use ‘?’ but not not displaying when i click tab. How can i show them when tab is clicked
appliance-1(config-remote-server)# selectors selector ?
Possible completions:
<Facility, or class of messages to log (LOCAL0 and AUTHPRIV are the only ones supported)>
yes it is coming from annotation yang. in annotation yang file, below code is defined -
tailf:annotate /oc-sys:system/oc-sys:logging/oc-sys:remote-servers/oc-sys:remote-server/oc-sys:selectors/oc-sys:selector/oc-sys:config/oc-sys:facility {
tailf:info "Specifies the facility, or class of messages to log (LOCAL0 and AUTHPRIV are the only ones supported)";
tailf:display-when "../facility != ../../facility";
i tried commenting these annotation lines and checked if i’m able to get the options when tab is given. but issue still persists. what could be the root cause to this issue.
(Also in the above annotation, we are using config after selector but that we have not defined in our schema, leafs are directly defined in selector list.)
That path does not match the YANG model you showed in your first message.
Perhaps you have sprinkled some tailf:cli-drop-node-name extensions and have a conflict between the selector/facility and selector/config/facility leafs?